Zanneta Peart

Founder of MRRW Designs. Director of creative operations for The African Diaspora Group.

Zanneta Peart was raised in the south in a conservative little town called Plant City, FL. Her Jamaican parents strove to raise her in “high quality” environments such as private school, gated suburban community, and Christian church. Eventually, private school became too expensive to maintain and she and her siblings were pulled and put into public schools, facing an abrupt change of cultural exposure. It was at this point that Zanneta realized that she had been somewhat sheltered from the “Black experience”. She had experienced racism, but had naively dismissed it. She now realized she didn’t understand or relate to her own culture and conversely wasn’t embraced by her white peers.

High School and College was a colorful journey of getting-to-know herself and building relationships with other Black people outside of her family, however it wasn’t until her mid to late 20’s when she began to travel internationally, participate in protests, talk with people from all walks of life in her nursing career, and embark on her spiritual journey that she began to shed her sense of sheltered naivety and “wake up” to the injustices and the needs of the Black community.

In 2019, Zanneta began having discussions with her friends and mentors about how to end the abusive relationship Black people have with America. She felt deeply that the cycle of mental and physical abuse could only be broken by starting a movement called “Take Back Africa” where we would decolonize the motherland, regain control of its natural resources, invest our talents and money in its economy, and use it as a place to live in peace, heal, and recover from our mass trauma while being rejoined with our African brothers and sisters. The name “Take Back Africa” was taken, and Zanneta felt maybe it wasn’t the right time in her life to start such a huge undertaking. 

Several months later, to her surprise, Zanneta’s sister Aurelia began talking about a nonprofit she was founding that had many of the identical objectives. It seemed that the universe was no longer whispering, but now screaming that the time was now to begin the hard work of healing our people. We are tired, but our children deserve better so the work begins now.

“I truly believe that our people are great and should be allowed to heal, breathe, and live joyously.”